Are you tired of making big plans in your head and achieving just a little? Do you have big and bold imaginations and dreams but you don’t know how to bring them into actualization? Perhaps what you’re thinking right now is “I wouldn’t say I have big dreams, I just want to live a comfortable life” with all humility, I welcome you to your journey of success.

I am writing this with all sense of responsibility because I believe in sharing not just tangible things such as money but mind transformation tips too to as many that need it.

You may think your mind has been expanded, transformed over time, I’m also here to tell you that where you are today, the as much or little results you have seen today is nothing compared to the many more that you are capable of.

“Really? Do you think I can achieve a better result?” Yes! You absolutely can.

“But I don’t know how that’s possible!” I’m here for you.

“Okay, what then are the secrets of achieving a better result?” That’s an accurate question to ask, read on!

The “Achiever Mindset”

There’s something I call “The Achiever Mindset”. The battle of the mind is the first thing every individual must win in the path to achieving success. You cannot have a ‘small’ mind and expect to win big. It’s a consciousness that you must carry every day, say it to yourself “it doesn’t matter where I am today, there’s still so much more I can be!” That’s the achiever mindset. There’s this saying I totally agree with – “if you can’t think it, you can’t be it”.

Being deliberate

Being deliberate entails you stretching yourself to achieve your desired result. For instance, as a businessman, it’s impossible for me to make more sales by just desiring it. Desiring it is essential but I must pay the price by stretching beyond my comfort zone. To you, it might mean reading more books, learning a craft or even keeping late nights. Just do something in the line of that better result you yearn for, it might not be comfortable but your goal is enough motivation.


The popular saying “nothing good comes easy” is a reality of life, however, he who stands strong despite life challenges will achieve get better results. Let it be seated in you that the path of success isn’t smooth and not too rough for you to go through either. Challenges will arise from time to time but staying defiant is a winning secret you should adopt.

Staying through

I challenge you to stay through and watch the tide change in your favour. There are times I got frustrated, lazy and tired, quitting became the escape route, but do you know what I did? I said “No, not today, not tomorrow, never! I won’t quit”. I would be deceiving you if I told you there won’t be days when pushing for a better result will seem like an impossible burden to bear, those days will come, but the choice still lies with you. Don’t quit, your success might just be a step away.


I’ve worked with this secret for years and it has paid off immensely. Fix your eyes on the goal. I started this list by telling you about the power of rightly positioning your mind, hence having the right goal. Stay focused, Have friends who already have the result you want or are also on the quest to getting that result. I say this because your association tells a lot your focus strength and span.

These secrets I’ve shared with you today will set you on the right path and hasten your life pursuit. They’re not exhaustive but they are very instructive and directive to help you achieve better results. I believe they will help you greatly.

Ask the great achievers you know, and they would tell you how the right mindset, deliberateness, defiance, staying through and focus have played key roles in their success story.

How well do you think what you just read will help you? Kindly drop your answers in the comments section.

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